Try our free love compatibility astrology and you’ll be amazed at how much information and accurate answers you can get!
Free Love Romantic Compatibility Report, which compares the astrology birth charts (synastry) of you and your partner, to ascertain if you are a good match from an astrological perspective!
In order to get the most out of our love compatibility astrology report, you will need to know your date of birth, time and place of birth, as well as those of your partner’s. The more information you have, the more you are going to get out of this reading, as we calculate the positions and aspects your birth charts form and their combined energies. And don’t be shy, go ahead and ask him/her for their birth date, time and place!
Is love written in the stars? How about compatibility? Is your love meant to go the distance? Astrology does have something – rather a lot actually – to say about relationships, love and compatibility indicators between two people. A birth chart analysis can show you what a person is looking for in love. But that’s only the beginning! Astrology can also show you how you and your loved one push each other’s buttons by looking at your synastry. And it can even analyse your relationship itself! This too has a horoscope, you know, and it’s called the composite or compatibily chart. All this can help you immensely in the tricky and treacherous terrain of relationships but the rest is up to you. Is this love? Is this relationship worth it? Only you can tell. Knowing exactly where you stand surely helps. Let us give you a taste of astrology compatibility indicators, synastry and the composite chart to get you started!
Synastry and Compatibility Chart in Astrology
The branch of astrology dealing in relationships uses a method called Synastry. This lays two charts one on top of the other to see how two people fit together. (more…)